Thursday, December 20, 2007

Last Christmas!

Last year I was able to spend with my family as I will again this year. I'm looking forward to it. Here's a pic of me and my sweet beautiful niece from last year. Not the greatest picture I've ever taken but, hey I was laughing!!! I'm sure we'll have a great time this year too!

Merry Christmas to all! Cherish all the times you have with your family and friends, they are precious!

Update for Anyone that May Actually Read My Blog

Well, here's the update:

Update one: I did get the little two year old girl I adopted for Christmas all the things I wanted to. I picked her from a group of children that needed help this Christmas:
  • One little, little kid Red Ryder scooter, yep it's red and wide enough for two feet side by side!
  • A Barbie helmet with pink and turquoise knew pads and helmet.
  • A cute embroidered long sleeve white shirt and purple pants.
  • A fuzzy on the inside, pink on the outside hooded warm winter jacket
  • Two Magic Kingdom small Barbies.
I hope she has a wonderful Christmas!

Update two: I finally was granted my wish for Christmas, some time off from work! I don't have to go back for over two weeks! That is just so awesome! Although I've already got calls at home asking for help! Geez, maybe they do need me! Luckily I was able to handle the issues from HOME SWEET HOME!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Something to Remember...

Something to remember in hard times or anytime! This touched me so much I had to post it. This young boy knows where to turn in troubled times and wanted to share a special message. In good and bad times God is with each of us!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Can't wait to see it!

Hope its as good as the first!

Sicko, a Michael Moore Movie

I saw the movie Sicko this weekend. I'm not what you would call a Michael Moore fan cause I've never seen any of his other films, yet. I know there is a lot of drama around about him but, I don't get involved with that cause I don't know much about him to speculate one way or the other.

I saw Michael Moore on a late night talk show, he seems like a down to earth guy trying to spark attention to the things that we should be concerned about!

When I saw this show, I thought, "Oh sh*t, that's my insurance agency!" I really started worrying about insurance when I saw my ex bf go through extraordinary bill trouble after a totally unexpected medical catastrophe. Bill collectors are still hounding him and he had a good insurance plan with a Fortune 500 company.

The movie discussed health care in America or rather the lack thereof. The uninsured and the insured in America are in deep water where health coverage is concerned. He then went to other countries, Britain, Canada and even Cuba, which all had free medical coverage. Well not free, but paid for by taxes. A good point that was made that when you're very ill you shouldn't have to be worrying about the money, health comes first but seriously a lot of these Americans were faced with making serious decisions based on the money factor. One guy chose to save one of two severed fingers cause he could only afford to have one (the $12,000 one vs. $60,000 for the other one) reattached. How sick and sad is that. Others lost their life cause insurance companies wouldn't pay for medical care.

The people in the other countries were astonished when they heard these stories as they walked out with no bills, no payment at the cashier's office. Literally, no bills! In fact, one window marked Cashier's office was so the hospital could pay the patients money to get safe rides home from the hospital!!! Pharmaceuticals? Free or next to nothing in these other countries that vow to take care of their own.

Don't get me wrong I love America but when hospitals are pushing people out of hospitals or dumping them on Skid Row based on lack of ability to pay, that's just sick!

Each one of us could find ourselves in that situation here in America. Not many of us could pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills and still pay a mortgage, rent, car loan, food, etc.

Its time we all take a look at where our tax dollars are going, stop paying for the jet setting politicians and start taking care of our own!

One should definitely take time to see the movie, it will open your eyes and make you think for yourself, something politicians in America are deathly afraid of.

sicko badge

Friday, December 14, 2007

I Just want a stinkin Vacation!

Last time I took a full week of vacation was about a year ago Monday...I wanted to take this coming week off. What's the big deal? I ask and they laugh at me!? We are sooo darn busy at work so they just laugh! Seriously at a white elephant (short) Christmas party at work today...I went to pick up my white elephant gift and my boss says..."all she wants is a vacation! ha, ha!" I said, "Yes that is all I want, is it granted?" And he laughed.


This SHOULD be the time of year for spending with family, shopping and fun! Not being stuck in an office for over 40 hrs a week! Its really starting to get to me and messing up my feelings of Christmas joy and cheer! I'm going to keep suggesting it next week! I shouldn't be penalized for not taking my vacation in the summer, I WAAAAAAAAAAAAANT IT NOW! THE WORK WILL STILL BE THERE WHEN I RETURN, it isn't going anywhere!

I wish I was a kid again 2 weeks off at Christmas and the whole summer off! For all those kids that want to grow up quickly, you'll look back like the rest of us adults remembering how grand life was, to be a KID!

Anyone have any suggestions for promoting my one week of vacation? We work too much in America and LIFE IS JUST TOO SHORT NOT TO BE ABLE TO TAKE IT!

Sorry, had to vent!

Sunday, December 09, 2007

For those Cold Winter Nights - Crockpot Chicken Tortilla Soup

Hardest part - opening all the cans and shredding/cutting up the chicken once its cooked enough in the crockpot- enjoy!

2 Big cans (14 – 16oz) of black beans
1 big can tomato sauce
2 big cans tomatoes
1 cup salsa
6 or 8 big green chilis cut up into nice size pieces or small can Ortega diced green chilis or about ½ of a big can of peeled green chilis if you get the big cans
6 to 8 pieces of chicken tenders or four boneless chicken breasts (I prefer the breasts to tenders)
1 can of corn or preferably a frozen bag of sweet corn.

Pour the beans with juice into a crock pot; add chicken tenders (can be frozen; or boneless chicken breasts) add everything else except for the corn and cook for 7 hrs. Take out the chicken and cut into chunks then put back in. Add 1 can of corn and cook another hour. Serve over tortilla chips, with grated cheese and dollop of sour cream on top. Cornbread or a leafy salad is good if you need a side dish with it!

Leftovers heated up on stove or microwave are yummy, too!

If I had a digital camera I could show pictures...note to self: gotta get a digital camera!

Rescue a Pet in Need...

I found my beautiful sweet husky through The owner was moving and had too many dogs. She was six years old and I was told she had an incontinence problem. It turned out after I took her to the vet, the vet said the medication that she was on probably was a greater risk and that he saw no reason why she would have that sort of problem. He had me take her off the medication and she's never had a problem at all.

T's dog is a three year old Australian shepherd. He was rescued from the Milo Foundation near Berkley, CA. T traveled from Southern California to pick him up. We found him through Pet Finder which links to Milo. Jack the dog is partially blind. My friend was afraid that they wouldn't ever find a home for him and wanted to give him a great home, with fun, attentiveness and loving care. This is Jack!

Both dogs get along well together and they both love my cat. They chase her a bit sometimes for fun but if she's in no mood for their kind of fun she lets them know to back off. Sometimes she looks for them to play with.

I'm so blessed to have all of these animals in my life..they bring me joy and laughter every day. The thing that everyone should keep in mind is these were both older dogs, not the cute puppies that everyone seems to choose first. Think about the mature dogs and cats, the special needs dogs and cats, not just puppies. Puppies and kittens will usually find a home. The others need homes and love of a family, too.

The rescues, Humane Society, ASCPA and SCPA are all great places to look...

Also make sure your pets are spayed and micro chipped. There is abundance of animals being euthanized every year because there aren't enough homes! If you can't adopt an animal send a donation to a local rescue or no kill facility. If you don't want to do can always give old quilts, blankets, a couple of bags or dog or cat food...most of them list things they are in need of. Please help these animals, humans with a heart are their only hope!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

I Adopted a Two Year Old...

For Christmas! A girl at work was showing me handouts from the local Social Services. One can adopt a needy child for Christmas, the handout provides their name, age, favorite colors and what they'd like for Christmas!

Well no lil one should go without (not at all ever) but during Christmas? No they should not go without! So, Friday I get to go on a shopping spree for the little gal and I hope I bring a smile to her face!

She likes pink and lavender which means an outfit maybe with cute tennis shoes or a warm winter jacket. She'd like a castle, doll or a three wheel scooter (is that a stand up scooter or like a Big Wheel, not sure).. She likes Backyardigins? (I have to brush up on what that is) and Dora (I know about her). If any moms know about Backyardigins please fill me in! lol.

I raised my ex's kids from 3, 5 and 10 for ten years but now they are 15, 18 and 22 so I know about kids but a lot of the stuff they like changes so quickly. Any help on what kids like today would be appreciated!

Anyway, I didn't adopt a child for life although I'm kinda thinking maybe I should, I hope to bring joy in this little one's life this Christmas even though I won't ever meet her. I'll sign the tags as: Merry Christmas sweet Jasmine, Love, Santa. I wish I could be there to see her open her presents! I'll let ya all know what I get for her in a future blog!

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Just a smackrel of Chocolate!

I grew up with Pooh Bear, yes, that lil stuffed Bear and Christopher Robin were childhood pals, so knowing that and if you've read about them you'd have to know a smackrel of anything is pretty darn GOOD! Although Pooh's favorite is honey, I'd say mine would be CHOCOLATE or MINT AND CHIP ICE CREAM!

A few weeks back a co-worker of mine, a young guy who is pretty much high on life everyday (he's really an inspiration always a kind word to say and when you ask him how he is he always answers I'm FABULOUS or FANTASTIC!) asked me if I liked chocolate. My answer was "Sure, doesn't everyone?" while thinking in my head how I've sworn off chocolate bars cause they are just to full of calories and fat. And he walked up and placed a small tin in my hand. He then smiled and said I think you'll like this then, have a WONDERFUL weekend. And off he went to his weekend endeavors!

The picture on the tin was rather nostalgic it looked interesting! I popped off the top and lo and behold, small wedges of chocolate in two layers in a tin. And I must say they are delicious! Only one little smackrel of chocolate a day or every other day. Just enough to enjoy for a treat now and then! I discovered since then they come in different flavors in different tins!

Lots of fun, just wanted to share the find with others that just need a smackrel or would like to stuff a tin or two in a Christmas stocking!

Thanks J for your wonderful disposition around the office and for sharing your treasure trove of chocolate with me! Oh I almost forgot, you can find them at Trader Joe's Albertson's, Vons and Ralph's. They are called The Chocolate Traveler.

If you try them or have tried them, let me know what you think about them!

Friday, November 30, 2007

Answering a Thursday Thirteen Meme on a Friday!

  1. Do you have a tattoo, and if so what is it? No, I wanted to get a wolf or a sun/moon combo or a tribal armband at one point but I chickened out! Besides my parents would've had a fit! lol. Seriously, I don't think I've found one that I would want to live with for the rest of my life yet.
  2. What do you dream about? Like sleep dreams? All sorts of things...I hate the ones when I'm trying to save myself, like I'm in a disaster movie and I have to figure out how to get to safety. I'm scared and don't know if I'm going to make it. I wake up tired the next morning.
  3. How old are you and/or how old do you feel? 42, I feel about 35, I wish I was 23 again!
  4. What is one of your favorite things to do? Read, surf the net, relax, listen to music.
  5. Anything you just wanna get of your chest? Nope.
  6. What's your philosophy on life and death? I don't know that it is a philosophy but I have feelings about both. I think life is very fragile. When I was growing up real young I thought I was invincible and didn't think of the opposite of life, death. For a short time in junior high I thought I'd be lucky to make it to 35. I think as you make it through every day as you grow older you realize how fragile life really is and begin to embrace each moment, every day. I'm thankful for every day that I have and I try not to take it for granted cause I know that life can be taken away in a blink of an eye. On death...I'm not ready for it, I don't know if I ever will be. Although I have an individual relationship with God (meaning I don't go to church, but I speak to God almost every day and thank him for his presence and guidance in life), death still scares me, I don't want to be without my family, friends, animals. Also it puzzles me how quickly people get on with life. Not that they shouldn't they should, but in some instances people pack up your things, say good-bye and although you exist in memories its almost like you didn't exist. That makes me sad. When my ex-boyfriend came near death and had a 20 percent to live I was at the hospital for a week and sometimes his family and I would go to get something to eat --there were people laughing, talking on their cell phones, etc. and I stared at them thinking how is life just going on, don't you know what's going on??? It just seemed like a dream, life rushing by.... Having that in mind the fragility of life.. I seize each day and I'm thankful for each day, and try to leave the footprint of my being on other's hearts, give them my love and friendship. When my day comes, I really will look forward to the time when we are all together in Heaven again.
  7. If you could do anything with me, what would it be? I would take a walk with you and your guide dog and see the world through your eyes.
  8. Do you sing in the shower? No, but I hum a bit! lol
  9. Would you hide evidence for me if I ever asked you to? Probably not, I'm pretty law-abiding.
  10. What's your favorite color? Pink or shades of red (red, burgundy, maroon) and teal.
  11. If you could bring back anyone who has passed away, who would it be and why? Thank goodness my immediate family is well, if they had passed it would be them. But since I've blessed at this point that they are still with me. I'd say my good friend and neighbor, Bob. I still miss him. We talked a lot and he had a bright, sweet disposition. I think of him often.
  12. What is one interesting/odd fact about yourself? I bungee jumped 220 feet headfirst over the water near the Queen Mary.
  13. If you could change anything about yourself what would it be? I would stop procrastinating and do all the things I think about but don't do. I'd become more organized again. I used to be a lot more productive at home.
The meme came from Dog's Eye View (see my cool links) to get there!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

From Overheard at the

4PM Call Me "*itch" or Nothing at All

Timid 20-year-old: Excuse me, ma'am...
Sassy 30-year-old: I know you didn't just 'Ma'am' me!

Navy Yard
Washington, DC

via Overheard in the Office, Nov 27, 2007

And don't call me the name in the 4pm title either that would really get me mad, the title came with the quote, I don't approve of that name at all. The point is even as a 40 something, I HATE WHEN SOMEONE CALLS ME MA'AM. I know its a sign of respect or courtesy but, I'm not a ma' makes me feel old! Maybe just call me Miss. How's that!?

Monday, November 26, 2007

Curious as a Cat #93 - Monday Meme

Week Number 93

1) Name an event where the power of the crowd was inspiring.
The volunteers on Extreme Makeover - Home Edition.
2) What is your oldest article of clothing that you still wear?
A long coat my parents bought for me probably over 10 years ago.
3) If you were to describe your first "real" kiss, what would you say?
Memorable, there was definitely chemistry.
4) When were you most moved by a ceremony?
At my step daughter's sixth grade graduation and my niece's performance as Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz.
5) Show and Tell. What comes to mind first when you see this picture? Or, tell a story if it reminds you of one.
The end of another successful Thanksgiving, its obvious the whole family enjoyed it, a day of being thankful to be with each other and for all the wonderful aspects of life.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Spidey in Spiderman 3 and other Comic Book Movie Musings

Well, in the true tradition of Spiderman...I must change my font color scheme for this post. So forgive me if it gets on your nerves...

I finally saw Spiderman 3 this weekend on DVD. I was impressed as usual with the great effects the Sandman was better than Doc Och and the Green Goblin but, the story line didn't grab me like Spiderman and Spiderman 2. I didn't enjoy Spidey's dark side of Peter Parker or Tobey Maguire's portrayal of him that side of him. I know he's supposed to be a dork gone ultra cool but, it was a little over the top. I know that's supposed to be the comedy in it, for some reason it just irked me to make him that silly. I must put it in perspective, if I was 10 again I'd be laughing my socks off I suppose.

Spiderman 2 is still my favorite. The fight on the top of the subway and how the crowd protected him were my favorite scenes in that one.

All in all Spiderman 3 was really good just not fantastic! An entertaining movie I'd watch again, after Spiderman 1 and 2! Hope you enjoy it with your own family.
(Picture from N.Y.)

Shaking the Spiderman color scheme now....I used to think I didn't like comic book movies but, I discovered I was wrong when I finally watched a few. Here's some that I've enjoyed. (Some of them may not be about actual comic book heroes so bear with me).

  • Daredevil
  • Spiderman 1, 2 and 3
  • Batman Begins
  • Batman and Robin
  • X-Men 1 and 2
  • Van Helsing (a real favorite)
  • Unbreakable (not a real comic book character)
  • The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (another fave)
One that I didn't enjoy all that much was Ghostrider.

Where'd All the Bloggers Go?

I've been looking around and no one is posting this weekend? Did they all eat too much turkey? Are they sitting in traffic, trying to get home? Are they too busy ALREADY putting up Christmas decorations? Maybe they all are still standing in line since Black Friday??? What's the deal? Where'd they all go? Boy am I glad that I didn't eat too much turkey, I stayed in town for the holiday, didn't attempt to go out in that Black Friday mess and didn't haul out any Christmas decorations (heck, its still November people!) If anyone gets back to blogging and ever checks this site...let me know when you get back! Its been kinda lonely without new blogs to check out, lol!

Hope you all had a great weekend!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Friday Five

1. What's the last thing you threw away? An empty can of Diet Pepsi (in the recycling can)

2. Have you ever been to Paris? No, but I'd like to at least once. But, not as much as a trip to Australia

3. What do you stare at? Stare at, huh? Maybe a hidden picture puzzle or an awesome looking guy!

4. What do you hurry for? I hurry to get to work, that's about all I hurry for.

5. Friday fill-in:
I could have been ___. A millionaire! I wish...ha, ha.

A Wonderful Thanksgiving!

Had a wonderful Thanksgiving with my friends! Yummy food and fantastic company! I must thank my wonderful friend Cindy, her husband Gene and their girls for the great time! They all just treat me like I'm one of the family which is one of the most comfortable things that I could ask for! I'm so thankful that I am blessed with such a great family of friends!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Unconcious Mutterings

I say ... and you think ... ?

  1. Toasty :: bread
  2. Allegations :: court
  3. Herb :: butter
  4. Bacon :: eggs
  5. Neck to neck:: intimacy
  6. Simon :: says
  7. Heels :: achy toes
  8. Fundamentals :: The 3 R's
  9. Middle :: second
  10. Seasonings :: tasty

Added A New Book to My To Read List..

Okay...first things first...I don't have a hoarding problem like the couple I saw on Oprah on Friday. But, I do need to get organized again. I used to have an extremely organized home when I had J's kids here, when he left with my stepchildren, I kind of became disinterested in the whole organization thing...cause there was no sense of accomplishment or appreciation from the family.

So, I have to become more interested in the subject and it has been bugging me for months. I need to get in every nook and cranny and get rid of the useless, the dumb stuff I save thinking its attached to a memory --like I'll forget the memory if a tangible thing isn't still here in my house to remind me...just stuff weighing me down. I know I'll be a lot more happy when I take a conscious effort to dispose of stuff that isn't really needed! So, I added the book to my list, I'm going to read it and set upon the task...perhaps I'll be regaling with joy in six months as to the progress I've made! Fingers crossed! Before I get to B&N this week for the book ...I'll try to start with the common sense stuff.

Here's the book for anyone else that wants to look into conquering clutter

Saturday, November 17, 2007

My Friends...

My friends...the ones I spend/spent a lot of time with over the past 10 years, I'm not talking about my friends in the blogosphere or friends I don't see as often.

The reason I say spend/spent is cause actually my circle of friends have diminished over the past two years.

Bob and Christina...they both passed away within a year of each other, way too young. I miss them both every day....both were different --I miss them both but Bob he was very close to me, watched over me and always was there to talk and laugh and be my coach in life. He'd give advice and praise and love. He was a very special man/friend to many of us that knew him.

Christina was special too but always somewhat searching for I wish we could've given her the happiness she sought. She was sweet and loving, always trying to please and feed the whole neighborhood. She loved music as I do and she cherished family as I do as well. She loved music, dancing, reading and children. She would've loved Jesse Cook's music, I wish I had had the opportunity to share his music with her!

There are others we've lost as well John (he was with me) and Oliver (he was with Christina) but they are alive just not with us on the block anymore (they are missed and remembered when our neighborhood reminiscing begins).

My dear sweet friends that are still with me...

Wonderful, fun Cindy...she is so sweet and kind and loving. A woman that knows how to love and be kind and caring. She brightens my days with her smile and attentiveness. She is a very special friend that I love so much! I spend the most time with Cindy. Either leaving messages or on Saturday nights.

Gene...the overseer of the neighborhood, the brave one, the hero, always willing to help when called upon...such a big smile and a strength in our neighborhood. He really helped me along with Bob when my life was really in the pits, when John left. In the neighborhood, he can have a complaint about a neighbor and go and make friends instead! I think Gene kinda stays away now cause he misses all the guys. I wish he wouldn't. He has become a father figure to some in our neighborhood that need one, talking, fixing bicycles...really just making sure he is available to them. I don't think he knows how much it means.

Our neighborhood used to be the best of all neighborhoods..those of us that are left still love and care for each other in so many ways but there is always a sense of loss or longing for what had been. We partied on Fridays because the weekend had finally come, we barbecued on Saturdays and shared lazy Sunday afternoons.

I'd like to think that our neighborhood hasn't changed (although I know it has) all the memories are still so present in my mind. The laughing, the singing, the never really leaves me...the old memories and the new ones that we make.

My goal isn't to be somber just to remember important people in my life and to cherish every day I'm given in this sweet, wonderful life.

Learning Something New Every Day...

I really love life...every day brings something new to see, listen to and learn! Life never ceases to amaze me in so many different ways!

Today, I learned a lot about my blog...I learned how to change my blog header and add music! I love it! After many trials and errors I got it right! It made it all worth it! The only thing I hate is if I don't make changes regularly I have to learn all over again (probably due to the many trials and errors it takes me to get there) at least when it comes to blogging format changes.

I also learned that there are many wonderful people out there with awesome, intriguing blogs, check out a few in my Cool Links...alisonwonderland and sliceofpink! Slice of pink always has something fun to say or cool pics and links! Alison always knows about the good reads and is always open to new reads plus she has her own site with lots of fun things going on!

Life really is good and I savor each day!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Childrens Book Week

Okay... a lot of my ideas to write about come from other blogs (especially my buddy blogs)... I deserve a lashing with a wet noodle, lol!

The books I loved growing up...

Encyclopedia Brown (all of them)
Henry Reed series and the Ramona the Brave series
Harriet the Spy (all the sequels)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Charlotte's Web
Stuart Little
Ralph the Mouse and the Motorcycle Series
Little House on the Prarie Series
Winnie the Pooh
Danny, Champion of the World (awesome story of a boy and his father)
The Witch, the Lion and the Wardrobe
James and the Giant Peach
A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle
There was another story about a small, minature family ...I can't remember it all but it was a good story, it was before the Indian in the Cupboard or that movie about the small people. Oh yeah...Tbe Borrowers Series!!!!!!!

There is another that a teacher read to our sixth grade class about a sister and brother on their own near the beach...I don't even recall the name but the stories always stuck in my mind! They ate buttery oysters by the seashore...I remember that..ha I've never eaten an oyster but I remember the word succulent was used....darn.... succulent just sounds awesome, doesn't it? I've always wished I remembered the name of that book..I had to leave the class sometimes when she read it right before lunch to help serve lunch (it was an honor student privilege) but I always regretted not hearing the rest of the story...I've thought about that book often throughout my life...To all you teachers out there, kids don't ever forget the things you do and the way the things you do touch our lives! If anyone knows the book I'm thinking about...please let me know!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Cats aren't dumb and mine is driving me crazy!!

My cat...she knows how to push my buttons and for some reason she's really enjoying it lately!!!!!!!!

When she wants attention, she claws the carpet and its not like she gets good attention! Just like kids, good attention or bad, as long as its attention. Even if I try to give her good attention she prefers the chase!

She keeps clawing the carpet and when I tell her no or get up she runs under the bed! She's having a so much! I don't mind playing with her as long as she's not clawing the carpet! Uuuurrrgh! She especially thinks this form of entertainment is fun in the middle of night. At which times she lands in the garage, (if I catch her--its warm in there so she's not being tortured or anything). If I put her outside she claws on the window screen until I let her in!

I love this cat soooooooooo much, no doubt, but her antics are wearing on me. She's not a kitten, its like she develops these games to amuse herself, lol

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Finished the Book...

I've been reading From Baghdad, With Love. I'm so glad I did. It gave me a look into the lives of the soldiers in Iraq..faced with terror, sadness and grief and their will to stay alive and take pleasure in even the smallest offerings in Iraq...a small, abandoned puppy they named Lava, despite being against the regulations of harboring any pet or animal.

If you've been thinking about reading Marley and Me, add this to your list as well. A wonderful story of a Marine and others around him that took on the plight of one small, forgotten puppy that was left alone in the worst of circumstances!

After you read the book and not a moment before you should check out a video from the Marine who befriended dear Lava @

Until then...

Spread Joy

If a dog was the teacher you would learn stuff like:

When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.

Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.

Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be
pure ecstasy.

When it's in your best interest, practice obedience.

Let others know when they've invaded your territory.

Take naps.

Stretch before rising.

Run, romp, and play daily.

Thrive on attention and let people touch you.

Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.

On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass.

On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree.

When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body.

No matter how often you're scolded, don't buy into the guilt thing and pout..! run right back and make friends.

Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.

Eat with gusto and enthusiasm. Stop when you have had enough.

Be loyal. Never pretend to be something you're not.

If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.

When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by and nuzzle them gently.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Can't ignore Friday fill-ins

1. Plans and schedules are two things I don’t always stick to..

2. I'm happy when things go well.

3. The last thing I drank was a Miller Lite for Friday.

4. One of the most valuable things in my life is my family and pets.

5. I like _______ on my pizza. (Not really a fan of pizza, but if I have to California Pizza Kitchen is good)

6. Dear November, why are you so windy?.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to Ghost Whisperer, tomorrow my plans include relaxing and Sunday, I want to shop for Christmas and get ready for another week of work!

Following alisonwonderlands lead...

I wasn't that enthused with Friday fill-in cause I didn't have answers for the questions so I'm going to follow alisonwonderland's lead on the question from Booking through Thursday:

    Would you say that you read about the same amount now as when you were younger? More? Less? Why?

    I read a lot less than I did when I was younger --only because of lack of time and too much responsibility. My dad, who was not much of a reader at the time and did not have the up-bringing that he and my mom gave me, made sure that reading was a big part of my life. He realized the importance of it and the joy it would bring me. He took me to the library once a week to let me check out books and greatly encouraged reading in my life. I love reading and would read a lot more if I had the time. I still do but not as much as I'd like to. When I was a teen I'd spend the whole weekend reading and I loved it!

    Now, I work full-time...the couple of times when I've been single..., I have a difficult time concentrating on reading when I'm at home (its like I shouldn't be wasting time reading when I should be connecting with other humans, but I do read at lunch and at least an hour a night after work.

    Thank you to my dad for the gift of reading he encouraged me so much. My mom did too...but my dad was really on the forefront of reading in my life. My reading, my studying was as a result of my Dad, he really wanted me to have the things that his parents didn't encourage enough in his life. He opened the world of reading and education to me and held the door open until it all engulfed me. I suggest other parents take the time to do that for their children as well!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Finished Tomorrow... the book

Finished the book I was reading..."Tomorrow", it was okay the main character rambled more than I would've liked....and I'm not usually very picky. It was a book in which the story was only seen through the eyes of the main character. It was a narrative on how she saw her life as told to her children and a secret she and her husband kept from them until they turned sixteen.

Would I recommend it, probably not. My time was invested so I needed to finish it. I wasn't as I said fond of the writing style but the story did leave things as a mystery mid way through so I wanted to know what was really going on. The ending chapters explained it and I'm glad for that. But it never gave the ending as to whatever happened or how the children responded when the secret was revealed to them. All in all I was disappointed.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

I stumbled across Libera today...

Wonderful voices! Uplifting music... I hope you agree. If you don't that's okay, I know I loved it. (The music cuts out a little bit..doesn't do the song justice, go to You Tube and look them up).

I Am the Day

Far Away

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Speaking of working too much...

Darn, why couldn't I be a housewife!
O, to be a regular housewife
To bring Love and Goodness with each day
Invest my whole Soul in Life
Love and affection my pay.
Please no bad comments, I know its no easy job, I did it for ten years and worked full time too. But I would've liked at the time to not have been working too. Heck I would like to NOT have to work now! I never had the opportunity to not work and its wearing on me.

Good things about being a housewife...

1. You don't have to get dressed up to be a housewife if you don't feel like it.
2. Although you have to get up with the kids and see them off to school. i.e. getting them up, feeding them, finding their homework, jackets, etc. You get a breather when they leave.
3. You don't have to deal with irate co-workers (unless your kids are being uncooperative, lol)
4. While they are at school and after the house is cleaned up you have down time to READ, BLOG, DO YOUR OWN THING!
5. If you're having a bad day you have a loving family that understands. You don't have to buck up like you would at a job.
6. You don't have only 40 hours of sick time on the books.
7. You don't have to call in to work when sick or ask for vacation days -- but you do have to check with your hubby, significant other...I suppose.
8. You can turn on your music loud while you work.
9. You can take longer than 30 mins for lunch and maybe meet a friend or your hubby or significant other for lunch.
10. You get to stay home with your loving pets during the day (you are their idol!)
11. You can squeeze in making home made cookies instead of store bought for your family! And homemade meals!
12. Your family adores you for being there for them all the time!

I know there is a lot more but, that's what I'm sticking with for now.

And face it, its a lot easier than the old days...this picture and article makes me laugh! It was a real article in its time, (1955)! You can read it at:

Holidays...baaah hum bug!

The one thing I hate about the holidays is who's going where....which usually means me going somewhere. My whole family lives far away from me. Unless I want to spend the next 2 months, cleaning every nook and cranny, worrying and wondering how the holidays at my house will turn out, I have to figure how I'm getting up to where they are.

It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to work so darn much! But, I do. And with it comes the stress of the holidays, working, shopping, staying with my family (I'm a homebody and most comfortable in my own home) and how to get gifts there. Sorry I don't mean to be a grinch.

It was easier when I had my own family, the kids (my stepkids) wanted to be home for the holiday and believe me my family didn't have room for all of us for an extended time! I miss those days as hectic as it was it was homey, fun and all about our little family. I have to believe everything changes for a reason.

It will be all good going there to my family's celebration...its just getting there that hampers me and when its time to leave I'm always sad to leave my parents, sis and nieces! I know I have to cherish each and every holiday I can with them. Seriously I'm always so happy to be there once I get there! What can I say I'm an enigma.

Here's to the start of the holidays....Cheers! After venting...optimism reappears!

Friday, November 02, 2007

Friday Fill-In #44

1. Sleep and relaxation are my favorite forms of therapy.

2. If you get my voice mail you'll hear ahhhh my voice, duh, lol .

3. My favorite product EVER is my IPOD .


5. When I'm grumpy it's usually cause I'm tired or if I think someone is trying to argue with me.

6. Hiding things that are precious to me and then not being able to find it myself is my strangest habit. (Also my most frustrating habit).

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to watching Men in Trees (DARN IT'S NOT ON), tomorrow my plans include no plans and Sunday, I want to get an extra hour of sleep and chat with my friends!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Halloween is just around the Corner!

For the Book Lust list fanatics! Here's a link to Nancy Pearl's ghostly picks:

I haven't read any of them...I'll have to add them to my list. If I do read scary stuff its usually Stephen King.

If I don't get to wish my friends a happy Halloween on the actual day...Happy Halloween! (a bit early).

Oh and for Fond of Snape's Thursday Thirteen...(people you HAVE TO SEE her post before Halloween... you have to scroll down a bit to see it) if I see this sign out front, I'm not going in ....NO WAY, NO HOW, NOPE NOT GONNA DO IT!

For those of you that dare to trespass and are dumb enough to still go in.......................

This is what you get--------------------------->

Here I am...Southpark style!

Well I'm not a Southpark fan but I thought this might be fun! You can try it out too at:

I was going to have a book but it covered the Ipod so, I had to make a choice. Choices, choices. All kudos go to Overread...he posted his Southpark self on his own page. His link is in Cool links if you'd like to see it!

Friday, October 26, 2007

This treasure to fill in for Fridays is found at:
Thanks Janet!

1. The last good thing that came in the mail was pictures .

2. This week I'm grateful for my family, my life and my friends.

3. Tacos are the most delicious thing ever.

4. Life, books, music and art inspires me.

5. I'm most happy when I laugh.

6. And all the roads we have to walk along are rocky sometimes but are so worth the adventure and fun getting down the road .

7. As for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to some sleep, tomorrow my plans include some house-cleaning, relaxation, reading and Sunday, I get to pick up my new wolf painting!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Heard from my stepson...again!

We e-mailed back and forth several times today, what a blast, so good to hear from him! Life is...all good!

Made me think, if it feels so special to me I bet my parents feel the same way! Too late to call tonight, I'll have to call them tomorrow!

Took the quiz..dedicated reader...

Thought I'd be more of an obsessive compulsive reader...but, then again, life gets in the way!

What Kind of Reader Are You?
Your Result: Dedicated Reader

You are always trying to find the time to get back to your book. You are convinced that the world would be a much better place if only everyone read more.

Literate Good Citizen
Book Snob
Obsessive-Compulsive Bookworm
Fad Reader
What Kind of Reader Are You?
Create Your Own Quiz

Someone is out there!!

Just wanted to send a shout out to Alisonwonderland for leaving several comments. She's writes in the So Many Books So Little Time blog (her link is in my sidebar). I'm not all that great with links yet but I will learn to post them in my actual writing soon. Anyway, thanks Alisoninwonderland for letting me know I'm not all alone out here in the blogosphere.

I'm glad its Saturday, I slept in, surfed the net, didn't really accomplish much of anything else today so far. Its cool and windy here today which is nice. I like the Fall weather but I heard next week is supposed to feel like summer again. Not so good since I just brought out all my warm fall clothes. lol. Guess I'm just going to go with the lazy Saturday attitude today, pull out my current book Tales of a Female Nomad and possibly move on to my next book, From Baghdad With Love, A Marine, the War and a Dog named Lava. Come on look at Lava's little face, who wouldn't want to read about the little guy!In case you haven't figured it out I'm a big dog lover. My beautiful girl, Karina is in my main blog photo. I got her from when she was six years old, she's seven now.

The other book I want to read is Marley and Me. Also about a dog. I've been reading more non-fiction lately. Not sure why. Anyway, Marley and Me seems to have great reviews and it was sold out at the local B&N so I think I'm going to try to find it at the local library. Has anyone read either book? Anyone have any suggestions for future reads?

Have a great Saturday!!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Is anyone out there?

I don't think anyone even reads my thoughts on this page that sucks! I wanted to be able to converse with people and hook up some friends, see what interests them.

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Work is too much....always swamped and too much overtime. A high point was that I heard from my stepson...his dad and I broke up a few years back but, boy what a great thing hearing from the kids he and I raised together for close to 10 years! My stepson, the older of the two boys, (there is an older sister) e-mailed me and it really made my day that he took the time to write. I'd really like to spend time with him rather than just e-mail. I wrote him back, got a little sappy (couldn't help myself) he read it but hasn't responded. Hope it wasn't too sappy, I just miss him and the other two kids! Hopefully he'll write back again soon. Any well-wishers out there?

I don't ever get any comments, doesn't anyone want to say anything...reach out say anything?

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Sometimes its not all good...

Breaks my heart, why in the world would a guy in Riverside run over two dogs (a lab and an Alaskan Malamute) once let alone multiple times??? These are God's creatures, helpless in a situation like that. What a jerk, I hope they find him and put him in jail or run over him a few times...its just sick and makes me so sad and makes me wonder what in the world is wrong with this guy? What is happening in this world? There's no excuse for behavior such as this! I pray there is an animal heaven cause these two poor dogs did not deserve this hateful, inhumane end. My heart goes out to the two dogs and the families that lost them.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Book Struck a Chord...

I started reading Tales of a Female Nomad...non-fiction....the author is writing about a separation with her husband. She asked for a two week separation and he said two months was good for him. Not what she expected, so she goes on vacation to do things that he wouldn't normally do with her. She goes out of the country and her big challenge rather than the fact about being out of the country and her usual comfort zone is the fact that unless she finds someone to have dinner with she'll have to eat alone. Funny as it sounds...I've felt exactly the same thing when my ex and I broke up. The author sees it as people see her as a failure for being alone, eating in a restaurant alone. The passage struck me cause it hit close to home, I felt that way -- not really as a failure but that people look at you differently when you eat at a restaurant alone. My first dinner alone out -- I went to a walk in Carl's Jr and felt more alone than ever. I don't think its necessarily being without a significant other as it is just being and feeling totally alone, unconnected to anyone. The thought of it makes me lonely all over again when I think about it today or whenever the memory crosses my conscious. You see one time when I was with my significant other (before the break up) we went to the movies and there was a man there alone and although I thought I never judge anyone, I thought how sad he's all by himself, I wondered why and I felt sorry for him. Because of my own thoughts I assumed that everyone would think the same of me. I know some people don't have any problem being or going where ever alone but, I'm not one of them (some people won't understand cause they've never been in the situation). What I read in this book makes me think that other people (other than myself) also feel the need to be connected to the the human race, someone, anyone, not only a significant other --otherwise they and I just feel alone, disconnected and lonely. Some may call it insecurity but I think its a need to be connected with one or many (friends) or to be at one with the world (many in the world). What do you think?

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Good Day...

Slept in....yeah! I love the weekends...sad its Sunday and work tomorrow. I think the work week should be three days and the weekends, four days. Anybody agree? Come on..someone has to comment that.

I went to a local Fall festival today, had a nice time although I was alone...bought a new wolf wind chime and a new wolf painting. The painting is a lot more vibrant than I'd usually choose but, I couldn't resist it was so unusual. The artist is going to deliver it in a couple of weeks -- I can hardly wait.

I've been thinking about going to a local wolf sanctuary...I think they allow you to actually interact with them, how awesome is that.???

My friend came over with his boys tonight, had pizza and hot wings (DEFINITELY NEEDED RANCH DRESSING..and I LOVE SPICY FOOD); they watched football. Here's how hot the hot wings were (grin):

Started reading, From Baghdad (see my current reading list for the complete title). Watched "We Are Marshall" last night -- pretty good movie.

Overall, a good weekend!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

New blog..

Starting over with the blog...I don't know what the main theme will be...interesting things, random thoughts, book lists. Who knows?? A little bit of everything, is more like it.

I went to Barnes and Noble many books to choose from and the bill was steep! I may have to start going to the library again, lol. But, I did save 10% on the most expensive book. I got a coupon from the Bargain Hunter blogspot - Julia Scott, she's a local columnist. Check out her blog its in my links. I also got my first every Pumpkin Spice Latte at Starbucks in the B&N. MMMMMMMM MMMMMMM good. Definitely puts one in the mood for autumn!

Later while watching the news I found out I'm "low-maintenance"...that guys should watch how their date orders their coffee. Like if they say double shot, non-fat, no sugar, no whip latte they may be high maintenance. I didn't order mine with any variations so that makes me low maintenance but, truthfully I just have to learn the Starbucks lingo (grin). How does tall mean small??? And Grande mean medium?? Time to get back with the times!