Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Oh my Gosh...Amazing...Uh....I MEAN PRICELESS!

Planet Earth HD DVD (Set of four disks) $64.00

New Toshiba HD DVD player after I found out my other newest player didn't work? $149.00

Planet Earth HD DVD on new Toshiba player on already owned HDTV? ABSOLUTELY PRICELESS!

Oh my gosh, I've only viewed the first disk but this is something everyone should see! Despite my setback in having to buy a new player (the old new one will be placed in my room) this is a MUST SEE you won't regret it. Nature, animals, the Earth at its absolute finest!

The player practically paid for itself! I got two HD DVDs in the box with the player, 300 and Bourne Identity. Plus a rebate to order five more HD DVDs for free. Good choices too!

Believe me I was ticked when I found out my old new player wouldn't play the DVD but, once I decided to go ahead and buy the new player and saw how truly beautiful the resolution was and found out about getting DVDs that were almost equal to the purchase price, I'M MORE THAN HAPPY NOW! Life....it IS ALL GOOD!

I'm sure I'll be writing more about the other disks soon. I'm savoring the DVD at this point...mmm..mmm...good!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

The Silence is Deafening!!

I turned on the radio in my car to static...come home-- turn on the tunes to static again. This has been going on since Thursday!! I have everything tuned into one station, 100.1 The Edge, based in Palmdale, California. This is the only good station in the area--did they shut down, what's the deal? By today, I'm thinking my world will have to be shroud in silence or the horror...I'll have to find another station. So instead of facing the alternatives I go directly to the source, I go to my myspace and one of the DJ's is on my friend list so I ask him what's up??? He answers back quite promptly. Turns out the recent storm took out the transmitter that is situated high atop a Tehachapi mountain; they're waiting for Edison to go up there and fix it. I'm thinking..waiting on Edison? Are you kidding, we'll be waiting til spring! So, for now the silence is deafening.

I check the station website and it too says what the problem is. Right next to it, it says ON THE RADIO NOW: Justin Zane. So, even though nobody can hear the station broadcast, seriously does this guy have to go into work and continue the broadcast???!!! LOL Shouldn't he get a TRANSMITTER DOWN day, kinda like a snow day? Poor guy...no requests, no phone calls, just him wasting his time.

Funny isn't it...that whenever something is not available you want it more? I mean I know I can find ways around the silence. I have, according to Itunes records, 3.5 days of music downloaded on my Itunes menu! 3.5 days worth...that just blows my mind! For some reason even though those Itunes are all my favorites and I obviously have so many to choose from, I'm still ticked I can't simply turn on my radio station.

I'll break down and turn on my Itunes and enjoy them but all the while I'll be hoping for quick, safe travel to the poor Edison guy that has to make his way up the mountain to shovel snow, freezing his bum off while fixing the transmitter. The Edison guy they send probably doesn't even listen to the station!

On a different note: I got Planet Earth in HD DVD this week. I'm going to watch it tonight with the surround sound going...I've heard its awesome!
I hope I'm feeling better by tonight though I doubt it...I feel like someone hit me in the neck with a baseball bat. I can barely hold my head up, kinda worried about what it could be. I did do alot of computer input at work this week, I'm hoping that's all it is.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Thursday Thirteen - Places I'd Like to Visit

I'm not much into traveling but if I do these are the places I'd like to go:

  1. Australia
  2. Greece
  3. Wolf Mountain Sanctuary
  4. Astoria, OR
  5. The Smithsonian
  6. Canada
  7. Alaska
  8. Ireland
  9. Italy
  10. England
  11. Paris, France
  12. Maine
  13. Cape Cod
And yes, they are in a particular order. In the late 80's I thought real hard about moving to Australia..years later my next thought was moving to Astoria. Both sight unseen except through Discovery or the Travel Channel. I'm still in California as I've lived here all of my life. Those places live in my heart still though and maybe someday I will travel to all the places I've thought of and dreamed of...

I have a lot of blog reading to do...I see. I've been out of sight lately due to too much time at work. I'm looking forward to catching up with my blogger friends and writing! Hopefully this weekend!

Side note: They've been talking about snow where I live overnight tonight! Here's to hoping for a SNOW DAY!!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Friday Fill-ins -- Happy happy Friday to Everyone!

1. The last compliment I got was from my boss, Ed; he said “Thanks for all your effort and sacrifice, Jim (his boss) and I really appreciate it!" (about recent overtime and stress)!

2. I'm reading Pigs in Heaven by Barbara Kingsolver (I’m close to the end!).
3. I woke up today and thought “Is it morning already? That darn alarm clock!”
4. Why do I have to have those crazy, scary dreams?
5. The last thing I ate was chili and a bit of cheese on top from the crappy cafeteria at work”.
6. January... is too cold and windy.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to relaxing and watching the Ghost Whisperer, tomorrow my plans include maybe going to see The Bucket List? and Sunday, I want to de-clutter my home office!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Thursday Thirteen and Other Stuff...


1. My family
2. My life
3. My friends
4. My dogs and cat
5. Music
6. Books and reading
7. Every day living on this earth
8. Wolves
9. Animals
10. Mint n' chip ice cream
11. Pink
12. My wonderful blogger friends
13. Weekends

I haven't been around much lately, (I've been working a lot of OT lately not that I wanted to there has just been a lot to do at work!). Although my blogger friends have been leaving some wonderful comments --thank you! I'll have more to write on the weekend and a lot more time then ( I hope) Please forgive my absence!

Friday, January 11, 2008

I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. ---Douglas Adams

Borrowed the quote from "Overread"...I had to...I'm always a day late and a dollar short.

Wrote my Thursday 13, forgot to post it and then Thursday went whooshing by...hope T13 will still accept me in their fold!


  1. The alarm clock.
  2. Getting ready for work
  3. Walking in from the parking lot in the cold (seriously it’s at least a mile in from the parking lot).
  4. My co-worker (when he acts grumpy)
  5. Meetings
  6. The cafeteria (ugh, its not very good and way overpriced)
  7. Work
  8. The people who always think what they want is the most important thing to be tended to that day.
  9. Deadlines (refer to headline)
  10. The fact that no matter what you do the work isn’t ever finished. If you do finish, its not like you can leave for the day. (For example, the opposite would be if I delivered packages for UPS…you deliver until your truck is empty then you get to go home).
  11. Being in an office without windows
  12. Being stuck in a cubicle (the horror)
  13. The alarm clock (did I say that already?) Having to go to bed early on the weeknights

A Special Thank you to My Blogger Friends

Heartfelt thank yous to:

1, Holly - You are so generous and thoughtful to send your cherished red poppet! She arrived safely and is enjoying her new home! When I get a digital camera I promise to share photos! Thanks for starting out my 2008 in such a wonderful light!

2. A thank you to Dog's Eye View - L^2 for the fabulous Willow Christmas card! I got it this week, I'm very bad about checking the mail when I'm off work so this thank you is a bit late! I really appreciate you sending it to me. Hugs from Karina and I to You, Willow and Stella!

3. Thanks to all who leave comments -- YOU know who you are -- Alisonwonderland, Fond of Snape, L^2 and Dorky Dad! The comments on my weight loss plan really made me LAUGH!

Best to you in 2008 and always,
Life...its all good!

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Everyone seems to be going on a diet...

I need to go on a diet,too. I'm sure there is an e-mail waiting at work for a Weight Watchers at work program and I need to sign up but first...I have to see if there is any lose weight fast scheme I might come up with. No, not Slim Fast, Alli or any other shed the pounds substance.

I look first for a role model. Well body to height ratio I look for the slimmest creature in my immediate household. T is over 6'3" but its not him (not that he is fat but, he's gained some too), Sneakers the cat is a bit pudgy, Karina is a husky and she is husky, as she should be. Which leaves me with Jack, the Australian Shepherd, awwwwwww lean as could be. He eats well and gratefully accepts any dog snackie or tidbit offered. How does he do it?

If you've ever had an Australian Shepherd you know they herd like crazy. Jack herds me all around the house, he herds Sneakers until her head spins. He checks fence lines whenever he's out. He's like the Energizer bunny! This dog never stops, if you get up he's right on your heels, then suddenly he's in front of you and then behind the other way. If you say you're leaving he starts this outright run throughout the house, barking and running and jumping 2' off the floor. This dog has never seen a sheep in his life but he knows what he was bred to do. He burns calories all day and night until its time for bed and then he drifts off quickly into a deep sleep for the rest of the night. Of course, unless he hears a strange noise then he has to check the house, all of the house with a few woofs, for good measure. The amazing thing about Jack is he partially blind. I really believe he could continue his antics at full sprint in his sleep.

So, my only way out of Weight Watchers is trying the herding method. I'm sure it would drive Jack nuts if I tried to herd him about and check his fence lines at a full run every hour. I guess I can't do that the "men in funny white coats" might take me away, besides it would take away Jack's joy or at the very least give him a complex. So, I'll open up the e-mail that is invariably in my inbox and write the wretched check to have someone tell me how to lose weight. Who knows it may be grand fun to line up with my co-workers to check my weight every week! NOT! =(

Sigh, I still think Jack's method must be a lot more fun!

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Poppet Update

A poppet, a poppet, a poppet is on the way!!! Wonderful Holly has offered to send one of her red poppets to me! What a nice gesture to share her poppet with me! I'm excited! I'm not sure if Holly just stumbled on my post or how it all came about but I'm really thrilled and I know good karma will be coming to her for her thoughtful kind deed!

Thanks so much Holly! I'll be camping near my mailbox awaiting my new friend's arrival! I'll let you know when she arrives safely!

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

In Search of a..........Poppet

Yes, I'm searching for a poppet. Poppet...its even a fun word to utter....Poppet...Poppet....Poppet! Okay, I haven't gone mad..I saw one on Fond of Snapes, Fond of Photography page and also on her Friday Fill-ins. I wasn't so intrigued until I saw her lil poppet popping up in other pictures. A poppet here, there and everywhere! Then I thought, that's what I need, what I need is a little poppet friend. And perhaps a Poppet pony! They could keep me company next to my computer at work or home! When you see one they just kind of make you SMILE! The poppets even have a You Tube video involving their journey perusing books! Unfortunately poppets don't appear to be available right now, sad, sad! But, I will lie in wait and continue my quest for my very own poppet and poppet pony! I hope they become available real soon! I like the red and black ones and the night and day ones. Maybe the creator of the poppets will visit my page and discover my need for poppet pals?!
On a different note...I'm back from visiting family over the holiday! I had a great time! I have five glorious days left until my return to that nasty thing we call WORK!