Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Things I Love About My Job..
1. My paycheck every week!
2. Results Sharing..7.5 days payout this year!
3, The fact that they've kept me employed there the last 21 yrs. (gotten through many layoffs)...I started there young.
4. The people I work with and the friends we've become!
5. Christmas shutdown
6. My recent boss, he's really cool, lighthearted and funny!
7. 401K
9. Pension after retirement
10. Healthcare (although I have to pay for some wasn't like that in the beginning).
11. Merit increases
12. My opportunity to have a mentor (he's great)
13. College tuition re-imbursement.

I've been blessed, even though I complain about actually going to work I do love it when I get there, I enjoy the work and I'm so happy to be a part of such a great job for such a long time! When I applied I was thinking what am I doing here, what was I thinking? I was young and all these people were older, more experienced, I saw all these people with briefcases and the Wall Street Journal under their arm...I was overwhelmed..I look back on how lucky I am that I was hired and its worked out in so many good ways for me...I do count my blessings...

Monday, February 25, 2008

Why is it so hard for people to SMILE?

OKAY...Maybe I'm strange...I'm a smiler! I smile at people whether I know them or not...its not like I'm just totally so HAPPY with every aspect of my life, not everything is all good all the time, maybe there are things that trouble me but, I'm just optimistic and like to try to see the best in every moment of life, I guess. When I smile I just think it should put a little light in another's life and maybe they should maybe smile back or at least make eye contact? I was at Barnes and Noble tonight and it just makes me smile, just being in there with all the books and knowledge and neat stuff to look at and possibly buy. It always kind of overwhelms me. All the choices...I usually have scoped out what I want ahead of time on the internet so I do have a plan which makes it easier.

I'm in line , there was a little girl 6 or 7 yrs old with her Mom...they're in line ahead of me and the little girl is asking her Mom, can't I get something and her Mom tells her I took you to the kid books you took too long, the little girl said, "But I couldn't decide, I didn't know but I've decided nooooow. Even if its a coloring book, yes, that's okay a coloring book?!" Meanwhile there's a guy in back of me that avoids eye contact, I smile he acts like no one else exists around him. What's up with that...I feel sorry for the guy with the invisible cloak around himself that won't let anything pentetrate his outer shell, I feel bad for the little girl that didn't make a decision quick enough for her Mom, I wonder if the Mom told her in the children's book area that if she didn't choose soon she wouldn't get anything. Like I said B&N is overwhelming for a "big ol kid" like me...I can imagine what its like for a young little girl! Believe me, I believe in telling your kids ahead of time if they shouldn't be expecting to get something (BEFORE you get in the store) but to tell a little girl she can get something and then not have the patience to let her choose that's just not right. I wanted to go grab some books/coloring books, buy them for her and hand them to her in the parking lot! There is no kid that ever should have a sad time in B&N, any bookstore, or library. Little girl...with the loose blonde, french braid, I'm sorry it turned out that way for you tonight. Books, even coloring books are something to love and appreciate...embrace them, surround your life with them and you will always be learning and having fun doing it!

Back to the man in his shell, SMILE, life's too short..accept a smile from a stranger there aren't any ties that come along with it. Make the world a happy more accepting place...SMILE back maybe...or just acknowledge other's isn't that hard and believe'll feel better, I do.

Rant complete. And all still with a smile on my face, perhaps a little sorrow in my heart...but an optimistic smile...STILL ON MY FACE!

This is for you Fond of Snape...

I saw this at Overhead At the Office...and immediately laughed and thought of one of my special blogger friends! Had to post it...I hope to get a giggle from her!

5PM Would You Settle for Nutter Butters?

Cube rat exiting front door: I'm going out. Can I bring back anything for anybody?
Voice from back of room: Johnny Depp.
Cube rat, disgustedly: Oh, nice, but I meant bring back anything to eat.
Different voice from back of room: Johnny Depp on a cracker.

4th Street
Louisville, Kentucky

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Sunday Self-Inflicted Insomnia....

Oh boy, I can tell I'll be up all night...I was reading Nineteen Minutes this afternoon, like at 2 p.m. and for some dumb reason I made I'll be up all night. I'll be paying for it tomorrow for sure! I don't even usually drink coffee, maybe a cup every other day in the morning at work. I guess its no biggie...I usually don't sleep well on Sunday night anyway...I don't know if it is cause I sleep in more on the weekend or cause I get bummed about going back to work on Monday!

Here's hoping to some sleep tonight...I'm not giving up yet! Have a great week all!

Friday, February 22, 2008

My Rating (its My Parents Fault)

I found this on Alison's blog....she's a quirky character! =) The explanation for my quirkiness rating is due to my parent's need for us to be "all normal":

Your Quirk Factor: 43%

You're a pretty quirky person, but you're just normal enough to hide it.

Congratulations - you've fooled other people into thinking you're just like them!

Friday Fill-In

You can find the Friday Fill-Ins at Fond of Snape's blog (see my Cool links)!

1. Coming home is the best thing about traveling.
2. I love a good cup of hot chocolate or coffee and a warm blanket when I’m cold.
3. I often use the internet to entertain myself .
4. I’m reading Nineteen Minutes right now; I have no idea how it will end.
5. Anything confrontational/controversial are things I dislike talking about.
6. When I visited the Bahamas I most looked forward to seeing the beach and the ocean.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to relaxing, tomorrow my plans include going to Barnes and Noble and sleeping in, watching a Netflix DVD "Gone, Baby Gone and Sunday, I want to have French toast with warm maple syrup and fresh strawberries!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Caught up on my Blogging This Weekend!

Back to the week on I didn't have the day off feels like my job was the only place working...I was so jealous when I pulled away from my street this morning, neighbor out exercising in no hurry for work since he had the day off and his wife probably just waking up contemplating her day or sipping coffee in front of her computer cause she had the day off too! I did take last Monday off (vacation day) and sadly I didn't know it was Washington's Birthday...when I looked out thinking I had taken the day off when no one else had the day off was quickly abolished. Is it just me or is it somewhat more satisfying when you think that you are the only one with the day off? LOL.

At my place of business there are no holidays from New Year's until Memorial Day in sick is that! They claim to give off us all the days between Christmas and New Years in return. As the days off changes from year to year between Christmas and New Year's I'm always suspicious that we're getting cheated some way or another!

I think I'm going through mid-life "work-weary" syndrome? Ever heard of it? I think it exists well at least in my own work weary mind...guess it comes with 21 years at the same company. Love that I've been there that long just need a break!

Wooooooooooo....venting complete...back to work tomorrow!

Have a great week!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Can you guess where I'll be Going?

My niece is graduating this year from college. My Mom, Sis and I are going to travel to be at her graduation! I can't believe she's already graduating college...she's all grown up!

Here's a picture of her when she was just a wee one! She's on the left...her lil sis claims that her sister hit her in the face right before this picture was taken...she does have a little "I've been naughty" grin, doesn't she? Er...maybe she told Lainey that Tonto wasn't coming to the Halloween parade?

Here's a current picture.
See I told you all grown up! She wants to be a broadcast journalist! She sure has the personality for it! She is "ON" all the time and always has that beautiful smile on!

She's grown up to be quite the young lady...oh and she hardly ever tortures her little sister anymore! LOL

But, I digress...Where In the World do You Think we are going for this grand occasion?

Here are some hints....can you guess? Shouldn't be too difficult to guess! I'll tell you where in a future blog or through comments!

Went to and All I Got was this Mediocre Painting...

Well, here's my masterpiece based on my likes/dislikes and characteristics...(drum roll, please). LOL...feeling a bit silly today, YES I AM! Hey but it says I'm IT! Is that good or bad...hmmm?

Click here to create your own painting.

Well it is in a funky shade of pink so that's "all good".

Here's a Thought...

Life can be seen through your eyes, but it is not fully
appreciated until it is seen through your heart.

-- Mary Xavier

Saturday, February 16, 2008

This Book Will Be in my Heart Forever!

My blogger friends may know by now...I'm a dog lover through and it may come as no surprise when I say... Marley and Me...Life and Love with the World's Worst Dog just captured my heart! =)

I read this book in one day, last Sunday! I couldn't put it down...Marley is a beautiful golden Lab owned by a journalist and his wife. He is a handful and a lover of LIFE!

This sweet boy is mischievous, playful, loving and a joy...never a dull moment with this big guy! I grinned, I laughed out loud, I loved him, I cried.

This a book you shouldn't miss! I thought long and hard, I found the last three paragraphs of Chapter 28 especially touching and almost quoted them here...BUT I DECIDED YOU HAVE TO READ IT ALL FOR YOURSELF.

Hope you take the time to read it and leave your comments here...hope you enjoy it as much as I did, and I hope to hear how much you enjoyed it!

Saw this fun Meme at Fond of Snape's (she's in my Cool Links)

Fond of Snape has ...Johnny Depp and the Pirates on her desktop...HUGE SURPRISE...LOL JANET!

Here’s how to play this meme:

Capture a picture of your computer’s desktop.*
Post it on your blog along with a link to who tagged you.
Tag some people.

*Here’s how you can do a screen capture:

1- View desktop and press the Print Scrn key (located in the upper right corner of your keyboard on the same row as the F12 key).
2- Open a graphics program (like Picture Manager, Paint, or Photoshop) and do a Paste (CTRL + V).
3 - If you wish, you can “edit” the image, before saving it, but it is best that no icons be deleted before the screen capture so as to add to the element of fun.

Ooops, I forgot to tag. You, you and you, consider yourselves tagged. Yes, I mean YOU!

Come along and play, it'll be FUN!

Here's mine:

Lots more to say this weekend...its still culminating in my mind!! But, I have to get to the library before they close...I have some books on hold, finished the three I had...can't wait to dig into some new reads! Happy Weekend, wish mine was three days like most of you! I don't get Monday off, DARN IT!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

So Much to Say...

Too tired to write it...Night... I will catch up, just not tonight!

Monday, February 11, 2008

I Want to Know About You!

I saw this over at Alison Wonderland's...I decided to play along. It is a good way to get to know your fellow blogger friends!

What you are supposed to do is copy this entire post and paste it in a post that you'll write. Change all the answers so they apply to you, and then let me know that you've played along. The theory is that you will learn a lot of little things about your friends that you might not have known!

  1. What time did you get up this morning? 9 a.m. Usually would've been 6:15 but I called in to take a vacation day. Yeah!
  2. (what happened to #2?)
  3. What was the last film you saw at the theater? Spiderman 2...its been a long, long time!
  4. What is your favorite TV show? Lost, Brothers and Sisters, Ghost Whisperer, Extreme Makeover Home Edition.
  5. What do you eat for breakfast? Slim Fast, don't have time for real food during the week.
  6. What is your middle name? Ann
  7. What food do you dislike? Fish (except for lobster and shrimp)
  8. What is your favorite CD at the moment? Joshua Radin
  9. What kind of car do you drive? 2002 Ford Escape (silver)
  10. Favorite sandwich? Roast beef or chicken salad. I'd like a Monte Cristo but haven't had one since I was a kid.
  11. What characteristic do you despise? disrespect, arrogance, mean people.
  12. Favorite item of clothing? Sweats, t-shirt and my Ugg-like boots. If I could work from home that's what I'd be wearing!
  13. Favorite piece of jewelry? A slim silver ring my sister gave me-its engraved on the outside with..HOPE, WISH, DREAM, BELIEVE.
  14. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? In the U.S. - Astoria, Oregon; Overseas -Australia.
  15. What color is your bathroom? beige and mauve
  16. Favorite brand of clothing? none
  17. Where would you retire to? Astoria, OR (maybe?)
  18. What was your most recent memorable birthday? Probably one that John had for me with all our neighbor friends.
  19. Favorite sport to watch? I'm not a sports fan. Funny, my parents are but I'm not. If I'd watch anything it would probably be The X Games, especially the motorcycle freestyle.
  20. Favorite saying? "Its all Good"
  21. When is your birthday? June 8th
  22. Are you a morning person or a night person? Definitely a night person. If I could I would go to work at about 10 then, I would be happy!
  23. What is your shoe size? 8 1/2-9.
  24. Pets? Siberian Husky, cat. An Australian shepherd when my friend comes over.
  25. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with us? Nope.
  26. What did you want to be when you were little? A cop
  27. What are you today? Contract Administrator
  28. What is your favorite candy? Almond Joy.
  29. What is your favorite flower? Roses
  30. What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to? Any day I have off work!
  31. What are you listening to right now? TV in the background for noise.
  32. What was the last thing you ate? Steak, mashed potatoes and broccoli for dinner last night (comfort food)!
  33. Do you wish on stars? Sometimes.
  34. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? pink or maroon.
  35. How is the weather right now? Warmer than its been, its probably in the low 70's
  36. Favorite soft drink? Diet Pepsi
  37. Favorite restaurant Tough one...I eat at home a lot. Speedy Joe's mexican restaurant, Lemon Leaf Cafe, Panera, Black Angus.
  38. Hair color? blonde.
  39. Siblings? One older sis
  40. Favorite day of the year? Christmas because my work shuts down for a week then...are you getting the idea that I'd rather be home than working? Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful and happy that I have a job to pay for home but I never got a maternity leave and never got a chance to stay home with I'd like to try out not working at some point!
  41. What was your favorite toy as a child? Winnie the Pooh when I was little and a skateboard or a bicycle after that.
  42. Summer or winter? Ha! Fall and Spring. Summer and Winter are too extreme where I live, really cold and really hot.
  43. Hugs or kisses? Both
  44. Coffee or tea? Coffee but I only have one cup a day during the work week.
  45. Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate
  46. Do you want your friends to email you back ? Sure, sounds great to me.
  47. When was the last time you cried? When I was reading a book.
  48. What is under your bed? Probably some dust bunnies and shoes.
  49. Who is the friend you have had the longest? Debbie
  50. What did you do last night? Watched The Brave One and Brothers and Sisters.
  51. Favorite smell? Eternity perfume, good food, Bed and Bath cotton scent.
  52. What are you afraid of? Big changes, Death or losing those I love. I know Heaven is great but I fear the unknown and going through death to get there. Anyone know what I mean or is it just me?
  53. Salty or sweet? Sweet
  54. How many keys on your key ring? No idea. More than five.
  55. Favorite day of the week? Saturday
  56. How many towns have you lived in? Four.
  57. Do you make friends easily? Yes, I think so. Maybe not people I hang out with all the time but we are friends, (i.e. work friends, neighbor friends, other friends, etc.)
Love to see what others have to say...leave a comment so I can check out your answers on your blog! =)

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Been Out of the Loop Lately...

Can't believe it been over a week since I've posted. I've been keeping an eye on my fave bloggers just haven't had the time to write much ...I've been busy at work and worrying about maybe taking a new lead position. I don't know what the HECK I want to come out of it!

Went to Target yesterday to pick up some things, mostly things I didn't need but looked good at the time! Today T and I went to a small Japanese restaurant in the Antelope Valley--it was very tasty. I've been craving tempura so I had miso soup/salad (came with the meal)..teriyaki beef with rice and assorted tempura (shrimp and veggies...YUUUUUUUUUM! T had salad, assorted sushi and tempura! I'm not one to eat raw fish myself...but whatever floats your boat!

Finished 18 Seconds today...good book...crime/suspense drama written by an ex-detective. Worth a read! Next up: Stormy Weather or Marley and Me...decisions, decisions!

Have a great weekend!

Friday, February 01, 2008

Friday Fill-ins

1. Once I was so full of love for J and thought it was forever (then he broke my heart) I know life holds new beginnings.
2. I’m sick of work!
3. Today at work I am hoping not to work late.
4. What are all the Indian propositions all about?
5. If I make a mistake I usually own up to it and try to fix it. (me too, Janet)!
6. When I woke up this morning, I thought I'm soooo tired, TGIF.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to finishing my book, tomorrow my plans include going to the library, banana pancakes and watching Living with Wolves and Sunday, sleeping in and enjoying the day!

Sorry for all the work references, although I have a strong work ethic, long ago I adopted a saying from Australia, "Work to Live, don't Live to work!"