Sunday, November 25, 2007

Where'd All the Bloggers Go?

I've been looking around and no one is posting this weekend? Did they all eat too much turkey? Are they sitting in traffic, trying to get home? Are they too busy ALREADY putting up Christmas decorations? Maybe they all are still standing in line since Black Friday??? What's the deal? Where'd they all go? Boy am I glad that I didn't eat too much turkey, I stayed in town for the holiday, didn't attempt to go out in that Black Friday mess and didn't haul out any Christmas decorations (heck, its still November people!) If anyone gets back to blogging and ever checks this site...let me know when you get back! Its been kinda lonely without new blogs to check out, lol!

Hope you all had a great weekend!

1 comment:

alisonwonderland said...

i was having such an enjoyable long weekend relaxing and avoiding Black Friday and any Christmas preparations - and not blogging about it much!

by the way, i'm participating in Holidailies 2007 this month, so i'll have a new post every day. be sure to stop by!