Sunday, January 06, 2008

Everyone seems to be going on a diet...

I need to go on a diet,too. I'm sure there is an e-mail waiting at work for a Weight Watchers at work program and I need to sign up but first...I have to see if there is any lose weight fast scheme I might come up with. No, not Slim Fast, Alli or any other shed the pounds substance.

I look first for a role model. Well body to height ratio I look for the slimmest creature in my immediate household. T is over 6'3" but its not him (not that he is fat but, he's gained some too), Sneakers the cat is a bit pudgy, Karina is a husky and she is husky, as she should be. Which leaves me with Jack, the Australian Shepherd, awwwwwww lean as could be. He eats well and gratefully accepts any dog snackie or tidbit offered. How does he do it?

If you've ever had an Australian Shepherd you know they herd like crazy. Jack herds me all around the house, he herds Sneakers until her head spins. He checks fence lines whenever he's out. He's like the Energizer bunny! This dog never stops, if you get up he's right on your heels, then suddenly he's in front of you and then behind the other way. If you say you're leaving he starts this outright run throughout the house, barking and running and jumping 2' off the floor. This dog has never seen a sheep in his life but he knows what he was bred to do. He burns calories all day and night until its time for bed and then he drifts off quickly into a deep sleep for the rest of the night. Of course, unless he hears a strange noise then he has to check the house, all of the house with a few woofs, for good measure. The amazing thing about Jack is he partially blind. I really believe he could continue his antics at full sprint in his sleep.

So, my only way out of Weight Watchers is trying the herding method. I'm sure it would drive Jack nuts if I tried to herd him about and check his fence lines at a full run every hour. I guess I can't do that the "men in funny white coats" might take me away, besides it would take away Jack's joy or at the very least give him a complex. So, I'll open up the e-mail that is invariably in my inbox and write the wretched check to have someone tell me how to lose weight. Who knows it may be grand fun to line up with my co-workers to check my weight every week! NOT! =(

Sigh, I still think Jack's method must be a lot more fun!


L^2 said...

Jack's way sounds like a lot more fun to me too. Good luck! :-)

Unknown said...

Hmmmm ... herding to lose weight. You know, you should try it out. When you lose a bunch of pounds, write a book and start a diet fad. You'll be loaded.

Janet said...

LMAO, thanks for the laugh :-)

Bungeegal said...

Looooooooove the comments! Thanks! I thought everyone would just roll their eyes or send the guys in white!

You all are special--you made my day!