Sunday, November 09, 2008

Time Flies When You're Having Fun!

Its hard to imagine, its been a little over a year since I started blogging here. Yes I know I wasn't around 100% of the time but I enjoyed the times I did keep up with it.

I fell short on the my monthly quotes but I made some cool friends (Janet, Alison, L^2 and Desi) that come to read now and then! I posted some photos since I got my new digital camera and my new husky.

I also kept up my book list, which is kinda cool and I was also lucky to have a nice blogger friend send me a red Poppet.

All in all, that year went by so fast and all in all, it seemed "all good" to me!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!


L^2 said...

Happy blogiversary! :-)

Janet said...

Happy anniversary! A year, it doesn't seem that long, does it?