Last year I was able to spend with my family as I will again this year. I'm looking forward to it. Here's a pic of me and my sweet beautiful niece from last year. Not the greatest picture I've ever taken but, hey I was laughing!!! I'm sure we'll have a great time this year too!
Merry Christmas to all! Cherish all the times you have with your family and friends, they are precious!
Hope you have a wonderful Christmas. Please give Karina an extra hug from Willow, Stella and me! Your Willow card is on its way. I know it won't make it there for Christmas, but hopefully you'll get it before New Years. :-) Thanks for reading our blog and visiting my store.
Hi Bungeegal,
I’m posting this here as a comment, because I couldn’t find an email address to contact you.
Please delete this comment after you read this. I’m not a comment spammer, and I just wanted to write to you about your blog.
First let me explain how I found you, and why I decided to write you :-)
I was searching for my type bloggers, using technorati and Google blog search, and found you and few others. When I say, "my type”, I mean people either write on topics similar to me, or people with a similar perspective of the world.
In your case, you are in a “similar perspective of the world” just like me. Looking at the positive side of the life!
Then I filter out the blogs I found by another criterion. Blogs with low number of comments, but keep on blogging for a long time. You know, many bloggers give up too early, when they don't see a good response from readers. But, very few people will continue to blog, without being bothered by low response rates by readers. I'm the second type. And, I believe you too the same. That's why I'm writing to you.
The world of blogging is very competitive, and the well-established blogs and bloggers rule the world with their powerful networks. This network prevents new entrants to break in.
What can new entrants like you and me do?
Well, I suggest building our own network of bloggers, and keeping on adding more and more power to it.
This is my proposal
1) Let's gather as much as new/unpopular bloggers into a single network, and help each other to rise up. We have to choose people who write about similar topics or topic that interest ourselves.
2) Then we add a small section in our sidebar for “My Blogger Buddies” and link to the other members’ sites. If you don’t like to give too much of links in your side bar, what you can do is to add few links and give a “more” link to a separate post, where you list all your blogger buddies. Let's start by building a small circle of about 10 to 20 bloggers. Next, we will see how to expand the network.
3) Each of us, should add other members' RSS feeds to our feed readers (If you use any), and constantly read what the others write. We give feedback to each other, on our writing. Feedback includes comments on posts, and suggestions to improve. Remember, helping others to improve is the best way for you to improve yourself.
4) And, we should support the members of our Blogger Buddies circle, to get their posts into and etc. We should submit the posts by other members, to Stumble upon and etc, so that they get benefited. Same way, our posts will too get submitted by others.
5) If we continue to do this for a while, (few months) we’ll see that our blogs get improved in quality day by day, and new readers are gathering around us, connected through the individual networks we all are having.
Remember! This is all about building a network of people with a common interest. The common interest of making our blogs more visible in the already cluttered blogosphere. If the small timers like you and me don’t get together like this, the big fishes will continue to dominate and enjoy their monopoly in blogging world.
If you are interested in my suggestion, please reply to this. I will add you as one of my blogger buddies, and then I’ll send a list of other people who gave “ok” for this proposal. And in the meantime, if you know any other bloggers who like to participate in this type of a network, please ask them to contact me at
(It’s a temporary email address and, I created it for the purpose of leaving this comment. Because I didn’t want to leave my real email address, in a blog comment. I’ll reply to you with my real email address)
Hope you had a great Christmas! In answer to your question about where to find poppets, check out this blog:
She creates them and when there are some up for sale, she sells 'em on Ebay :-)
Have a great New Year's Eve!
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