Sunday, December 16, 2007

Sicko, a Michael Moore Movie

I saw the movie Sicko this weekend. I'm not what you would call a Michael Moore fan cause I've never seen any of his other films, yet. I know there is a lot of drama around about him but, I don't get involved with that cause I don't know much about him to speculate one way or the other.

I saw Michael Moore on a late night talk show, he seems like a down to earth guy trying to spark attention to the things that we should be concerned about!

When I saw this show, I thought, "Oh sh*t, that's my insurance agency!" I really started worrying about insurance when I saw my ex bf go through extraordinary bill trouble after a totally unexpected medical catastrophe. Bill collectors are still hounding him and he had a good insurance plan with a Fortune 500 company.

The movie discussed health care in America or rather the lack thereof. The uninsured and the insured in America are in deep water where health coverage is concerned. He then went to other countries, Britain, Canada and even Cuba, which all had free medical coverage. Well not free, but paid for by taxes. A good point that was made that when you're very ill you shouldn't have to be worrying about the money, health comes first but seriously a lot of these Americans were faced with making serious decisions based on the money factor. One guy chose to save one of two severed fingers cause he could only afford to have one (the $12,000 one vs. $60,000 for the other one) reattached. How sick and sad is that. Others lost their life cause insurance companies wouldn't pay for medical care.

The people in the other countries were astonished when they heard these stories as they walked out with no bills, no payment at the cashier's office. Literally, no bills! In fact, one window marked Cashier's office was so the hospital could pay the patients money to get safe rides home from the hospital!!! Pharmaceuticals? Free or next to nothing in these other countries that vow to take care of their own.

Don't get me wrong I love America but when hospitals are pushing people out of hospitals or dumping them on Skid Row based on lack of ability to pay, that's just sick!

Each one of us could find ourselves in that situation here in America. Not many of us could pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills and still pay a mortgage, rent, car loan, food, etc.

Its time we all take a look at where our tax dollars are going, stop paying for the jet setting politicians and start taking care of our own!

One should definitely take time to see the movie, it will open your eyes and make you think for yourself, something politicians in America are deathly afraid of.

sicko badge

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