Friday, November 09, 2007

Following alisonwonderlands lead...

I wasn't that enthused with Friday fill-in cause I didn't have answers for the questions so I'm going to follow alisonwonderland's lead on the question from Booking through Thursday:

    Would you say that you read about the same amount now as when you were younger? More? Less? Why?

    I read a lot less than I did when I was younger --only because of lack of time and too much responsibility. My dad, who was not much of a reader at the time and did not have the up-bringing that he and my mom gave me, made sure that reading was a big part of my life. He realized the importance of it and the joy it would bring me. He took me to the library once a week to let me check out books and greatly encouraged reading in my life. I love reading and would read a lot more if I had the time. I still do but not as much as I'd like to. When I was a teen I'd spend the whole weekend reading and I loved it!

    Now, I work full-time...the couple of times when I've been single..., I have a difficult time concentrating on reading when I'm at home (its like I shouldn't be wasting time reading when I should be connecting with other humans, but I do read at lunch and at least an hour a night after work.

    Thank you to my dad for the gift of reading he encouraged me so much. My mom did too...but my dad was really on the forefront of reading in my life. My reading, my studying was as a result of my Dad, he really wanted me to have the things that his parents didn't encourage enough in his life. He opened the world of reading and education to me and held the door open until it all engulfed me. I suggest other parents take the time to do that for their children as well!