Monday, November 12, 2007

Cats aren't dumb and mine is driving me crazy!!

My cat...she knows how to push my buttons and for some reason she's really enjoying it lately!!!!!!!!

When she wants attention, she claws the carpet and its not like she gets good attention! Just like kids, good attention or bad, as long as its attention. Even if I try to give her good attention she prefers the chase!

She keeps clawing the carpet and when I tell her no or get up she runs under the bed! She's having a so much! I don't mind playing with her as long as she's not clawing the carpet! Uuuurrrgh! She especially thinks this form of entertainment is fun in the middle of night. At which times she lands in the garage, (if I catch her--its warm in there so she's not being tortured or anything). If I put her outside she claws on the window screen until I let her in!

I love this cat soooooooooo much, no doubt, but her antics are wearing on me. She's not a kitten, its like she develops these games to amuse herself, lol

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