Monday, February 25, 2008

Why is it so hard for people to SMILE?

OKAY...Maybe I'm strange...I'm a smiler! I smile at people whether I know them or not...its not like I'm just totally so HAPPY with every aspect of my life, not everything is all good all the time, maybe there are things that trouble me but, I'm just optimistic and like to try to see the best in every moment of life, I guess. When I smile I just think it should put a little light in another's life and maybe they should maybe smile back or at least make eye contact? I was at Barnes and Noble tonight and it just makes me smile, just being in there with all the books and knowledge and neat stuff to look at and possibly buy. It always kind of overwhelms me. All the choices...I usually have scoped out what I want ahead of time on the internet so I do have a plan which makes it easier.

I'm in line , there was a little girl 6 or 7 yrs old with her Mom...they're in line ahead of me and the little girl is asking her Mom, can't I get something and her Mom tells her I took you to the kid books you took too long, the little girl said, "But I couldn't decide, I didn't know but I've decided nooooow. Even if its a coloring book, yes, that's okay a coloring book?!" Meanwhile there's a guy in back of me that avoids eye contact, I smile he acts like no one else exists around him. What's up with that...I feel sorry for the guy with the invisible cloak around himself that won't let anything pentetrate his outer shell, I feel bad for the little girl that didn't make a decision quick enough for her Mom, I wonder if the Mom told her in the children's book area that if she didn't choose soon she wouldn't get anything. Like I said B&N is overwhelming for a "big ol kid" like me...I can imagine what its like for a young little girl! Believe me, I believe in telling your kids ahead of time if they shouldn't be expecting to get something (BEFORE you get in the store) but to tell a little girl she can get something and then not have the patience to let her choose that's just not right. I wanted to go grab some books/coloring books, buy them for her and hand them to her in the parking lot! There is no kid that ever should have a sad time in B&N, any bookstore, or library. Little girl...with the loose blonde, french braid, I'm sorry it turned out that way for you tonight. Books, even coloring books are something to love and appreciate...embrace them, surround your life with them and you will always be learning and having fun doing it!

Back to the man in his shell, SMILE, life's too short..accept a smile from a stranger there aren't any ties that come along with it. Make the world a happy more accepting place...SMILE back maybe...or just acknowledge other's isn't that hard and believe'll feel better, I do.

Rant complete. And all still with a smile on my face, perhaps a little sorrow in my heart...but an optimistic smile...STILL ON MY FACE!


Janet said...

I'm smiling at you right now, cause this was a great post!!!

Bungeegal said...
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Bungeegal said...

I made too many typos in the last here it is...glad to make YOU SMILE...and glad you enjoyed the Johnny comment!

PowersTwinB said...

Hi Janet. I found you through Maribeth's Dackle site...I HAD to comment...I too am a smiler...and I feel the same way, would it kill someone to smile or nod or just acknowledge someone? Smiles are the free expression God gave I am just going to keep on doing it! My Photo hunt is up, maybe you can come by for a smile or two???

PowersTwinB said...

Duh...ok, I'm smiling because youre not Janet are you??? lol..doesnt matter...still smiling

Bungeegal said...

LOL...No problem at all made me uuuuh SMILE, I'll be over to check out your site...and what's the link to Maribeth's site, I'd like to check that out too! Glad you stopped by!