Saturday, February 16, 2008

This Book Will Be in my Heart Forever!

My blogger friends may know by now...I'm a dog lover through and it may come as no surprise when I say... Marley and Me...Life and Love with the World's Worst Dog just captured my heart! =)

I read this book in one day, last Sunday! I couldn't put it down...Marley is a beautiful golden Lab owned by a journalist and his wife. He is a handful and a lover of LIFE!

This sweet boy is mischievous, playful, loving and a joy...never a dull moment with this big guy! I grinned, I laughed out loud, I loved him, I cried.

This a book you shouldn't miss! I thought long and hard, I found the last three paragraphs of Chapter 28 especially touching and almost quoted them here...BUT I DECIDED YOU HAVE TO READ IT ALL FOR YOURSELF.

Hope you take the time to read it and leave your comments here...hope you enjoy it as much as I did, and I hope to hear how much you enjoyed it!


L^2 said...

Oh, yes, this is a good book. I read it a year or so ago and really enjoyed it. Many parts of Marley's story reminded me a little too much of my yellow Lab girls. :-)

Bungeegal said...

Yep, I really loved the book and most of all Marley! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment!